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Raven Rundown, 10/28/2022

October 28, 2022
2022-23 Student Council
Congratulations to the winners of this year's Student Council elections!
Executive Board
President – Emily Mattson
Co-Vice Presidents – Gabe May and Suhailah Abdullah
Treasurer – Crystelle Clitus
Secretary – Emme Jensen
Class Representatives
8th Grade – Julian Chapman and Nick Pirone
7th Grade – Annabel Griffiths and Lauren Maddox
6th Grade – Thunder Chambers, Phillip Kelly, and Leah Rocha
5th Grade – Christopher Fay and Georgia Laskowski
Trunk-or-Treat Raffle Alert
Here's your chance to bring home the mother of all blowup Halloween decorations—a massive 10 foot tall inflatable 3-headed dragon!
The built in LED display will ensure you have one of the biggest and spookiest Halloween decorations in your neighborhood!
Raffle tickets will be sold at Trunk-or-Treat for $2 each or $5 for three, so don't forget to send cash on Monday! Proceeds go to support the 8th grade class.
The switch to winter uniforms will be on Tuesday, November 1.
Picture day is Thursday, November 3. All students need to be in the regular winter uniform.
Halloween Candy Collection
SRLA will be collecting the excess candy from Halloween and donating the candy to The Apostle’s House, a homeless shelter that provides services for at-risk individuals or families in Newark and Essex County, including a food pantry for the community.
A collection bin will be in the foyer for donations from November 1 through November 14.
Thank you so much for your support!
That Wonderful Time of the Year:
The 8th Grade Pie Sale
Place your order early for freshly baked pies from the famous Alstede Farms in Chester, NJ!
Not only do these delicious pies make for an incredible Thanksgiving dessert, but they also freeze really well. So be sure to get a few pies for your Christmas holiday table too! We are pleased to announce that we will be offering these annual favorites:
  • Harvest Apple (10")
  • Pumpkin (10")
  • Blueberry (9")
  • Cherry (9")
  • Coconut Custard (10")
  • Pecan (9")
All pies are $25. The deadline to order is Wednesday, November 16, so order now!
Pie pick up will be Tuesday afternoon, November 22 at SRLA.
Thank you for supporting our 8th Grade class. All 8th grade fundraisers support the special activities they get to experience in their final year at SRLA!
Contact Joanna Minerley, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or Lauren Chapman, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., with any questions.
Clergy Appreciation Day
The HSA was delighted to deliver a lovely lunch to our clergy and staff on Monday, October 24th in celebration of Clergy Appreciation Day. The special delivery also included cards of appreciation made and signed by SRLA students.
We are grateful for SRL's clergy and parish staff, and all they do for our school and community!
And many thanks to parent volunteers Liz Browne Kennedy and Ann Laskowski for marking the occasion!
The Walk-a-Thon Was a Smashing Success!
With the support of our SRLA community, we raised over $24,000! The 3rd Grade took top honors and will win a pizza party, and top earners in each grade will receive a dress down day.
A huge thank you to our volunteers Jen Mercado, Evangeline Martinez-Lago, Mario Lago and Liz Detwiler for making our wonderful balloon arch and keeping the Walk-a-Thon running smoothly, and to our awesome custodian, Johnny, for doing the heavy lifting and getting us powered up!
Thanks also to the parents and SRLA community for participating and cheering on our walkers!
Erika Malgieri and Heide Schaffner, Walk-a-Thon Co-Chairs
H.S.A. Dues
Every year, the H.S.A. collects dues from each family to support various school activities in which all of our students participate, such as class parties, cultural arts programs, and Catholic Schools Week activities. These funds also allow the H.S.A. to show our appreciation to our teachers with, among other things, a holiday luncheon and end-of-year gifts.
Parents do not need to take any action to pay these dues. They have been added to each family’s Blackbaud account and will appear in the billing details of your November payment.
H.S.A. dues for the 2022-23 school year are:
  • $75 for 1 child enrolled;
  • $100 for 2 children enrolled; and
  • $125 for 3+ children enrolled
Please contact Vanessa Vargas, SRLA Tuition Bursar, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any questions regarding the collection of H.S.A. dues through Blackbaud Tuition.
Thank you for your generosity and cooperation!
The H.S.A. Executive Board
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10/31 Trunk-or-Treat
11/1 Winter Uniforms
11/3 School Photo Day
11/4 Dress Down Day for Charity | 12:10pm Dismissal
11/8 Coffee & Conversation
11/10 & 11/11 Open House, 10am
11/18 Middle School Assembly: Cyberbullying

St. Rose of Lima Academy

Principal: Tina Underwood, Ed.S.
52 Short Hills Avenue
Short Hills, New Jersey 07078
Phone: 973-379-3973
Fax: 973-379-3722



National Blue Ribbon School



St. Rose of Lima Parish

Pastor: Father Larry Evans

50 Short Hills Ave
Short Hills, NJ 07078

Phone: 973-379-3912 
Fax: 973-379-6157 

Website: http://www.stroseshorthills.org