52 Short Hills Avenue, Short Hills, NJ 07078 | (973) 379-3973 | 2024-2025 Registration Packet

Raven Rundown, 6/9/2023

June 9, 2023
Happy Summer, SRLA! ?
After a lot of hard work and many memorable adventures at SRLA, the 8th Grade celebrated their graduation with families, faculty, and staff on Friday, June 2. Watch the ceremony and see photos from the evening!
Well done, Class of 2023!
If You Can't Fly, Then Run
There was a lot of hardware on display in the Ravens' Nest on Wednesday night as the SRLA Cross Country and Track & Field teams celebrated at the Spring Sports Banquet. Medals from meets throughout this track season were distributed, and special awards went to 8th Grade athletes Crystelle Clitus and Yeoukiro Lafortune.
Huge thanks to all of the parent coaches—Jule Farmer, Doug Greenfeld, William Mitchell, Mike Paton, and especially to Athletic Director Harcourt Lucius—for their tireless dedication to SRLA's student-athletes!
Last Call for School Supply Kits!
Please be sure to place your order today for a supply kit for next year!
Kits include the exact colors, quantities, and brands your teachers have approved for class. The kits will be delivered directly to your home in August.
Simply place your order online at: www.shopttkits.com
  • Enter SRLA's account number: 28992
  • Please remember to order for the grade your child will be entering in the Fall.
Questions? Contact Margie Naughton (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
See you in September!
9/6 First day of school for 2023-2024

St. Rose of Lima Academy

Principal: Tina Underwood, Ed.S.
52 Short Hills Avenue
Short Hills, New Jersey 07078
Phone: 973-379-3973
Fax: 973-379-3722



National Blue Ribbon School



St. Rose of Lima Parish

Pastor: Father Larry Evans

50 Short Hills Ave
Short Hills, NJ 07078

Phone: 973-379-3912 
Fax: 973-379-6157 

Website: http://www.stroseshorthills.org