52 Short Hills Avenue, Short Hills, NJ 07078 | (973) 379-3973 | 2024-2025 Registration Packet | 2025-2026 Registration Packet

Raven Rundown, 11/10/2023

November 10, 2023
Happy Veterans Day!
We had a very special guest come to visit Mrs. Perkins' 1st Grade class for Veterans Day! Sgt. Christopher Hornecker volunteered to speak with us on Friday about being a veteran, and what it means to protect and honor your country. A flag with his picture was recently hung in Millburn to honor his service.
Thank you to all of the veterans in the SRLA community and extended family. We are grateful for your service!
Marking Red Ribbon Week
On Monday, the entire student body gathered for an assembly to acknowledge Red Ribbon Week, the anti-drug and alcohol initiative. Using his talent and love of basketball, New Jersey native Dan Occhiogrosso shared the importance of saying no to sin and things that won’t serve you. He urged the kids to trust in God by tapping into the gifts God gave them—like sports, art, and music—to have fun in life and give back to others.
Last Call for Candy
SRLA is collecting excess candy from Halloween and donating it to The Apostle’s House, a shelter that provides services for at-risk individuals and families in Newark and Essex County, as well as a food pantry for the community. The collection bin will be in the foyer for donations through Tuesday, November 14. Thank you so much for your support!
Still Time for Christmas Gift-giving
Thank you for the amazing response we have received in our Christmas Gift-giving Program! We have so far received 140 pledges for gift donations and cash donations this year! We are so thankful and proud of our school community for their generosity and their giving spirit!
If you still would like to donate to Christmas Giving, it is not too late! Make your donation here. We have more gifts we need funding for, and any additional donations will be used to buy supermarket gift cards for the families in need.
Questions? Please contact Betsy Guarnieri (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), Andrea Mansfield (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), or Rosemary Mattson (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
Don't Forget the Pie!
It's SRLA's annual 8th Grade Pie Sale! Place your order now for freshly baked pies from the famous Alstede Farms in Chester, NJ just in time for Thanksgiving:
  • Harvest Apple (10")
  • Pumpkin (10")
  • Coconut Custard (10")
  • Blueberry (9")
  • Cherry (9")
  • Pecan (9")
  • Strawberry Rhubarb (9")
These delicious pies freeze really well, so be sure to order a few for your Christmas table too! The deadline to order is Wednesday, November 15.
All pies are $25, and can be picked up Tuesday, November 21 and Wednesday, November 22 at SRLA.
Thank you for supporting our 8th Graders! All 8th Grade fundraisers support the special activities they get to experience in their final year at SRLA! 
Contact Tina Fay, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or Jailan Griffiths, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., with any questions.
Thanksgiving Food Collection
Please help feed a family in need this Thanksgiving!
Each grade is asked to bring in a specific item for a family’s dinner, along with $1.00 to help purchase turkeys. Items collected from SRLA will be added to the St. Rose of Lima Parish Thanksgiving Food Collection and delivered to families before Thanksgiving.
Please bring donations to homeroom by Thursday, November 16.
PreK: (1) 29 oz. can fruit (your choice)
Kindergarten: (1) brownie mix
1st Grade: (2) boxes of corn muffin mix
2nd Grade: (1) 26 oz. box of mashed potatoes
3rd Grade: (1) 12 oz. box of Stove Top stuffing
4th Grade: (3) 10 oz. cans turkey gravy (no glass please)
5th Grade: (2) boxes of mac & cheese
6th Grade: (2) 14 oz. cans cranberry sauce
7th Grade: (3) 15 oz. cans of vegetables (your choice)
8th Grade Blue: (1) 40 oz. can of yams
8th Grade Gold: (2) cans of soup
The donation of reusable shopping bags will be appreciated. And if you would like to donate a turkey, please bring it to the church parking lot on Saturday, November 18 between 9:00 and 10:00am.
Thanks for giving!
Pink November
It's never too late to wear pink! Don't be shy and join Student Council for a Pink Out on Friday, November 17 for $1!
Proceeds will go to the Connie Dwyer Breast Cancer Foundation. Donations are always appreciated!
Wrapping for All of Your Favorite Things
Get your holiday preparations underway with the help of Charleston Wrap and their beautiful selection of home décor, gifts and wrapping, and sweet treats!
Purchases made through the website by November 20 directly benefit our 8th Graders and help fund SRLA's beloved graduation traditions.
  1. Register at www.registercw.com and enter our organization ID: 12719
  2. Use the email-invite generator to invite friends and family to shop and support!
  3. Shop! All orders ship directly to your home.
Thank you so much for your generous support of our soon-to-be graduates!
Thanksgiving Tournament Snack Bar Donations
Our SRLA Basketball teams are set to compete in the 2023 Thanksgiving Tournament, held on November 24 and 25 in the school gym. 
This is a fun and exciting event, and we hope the SRLA community will pitch in to help host a successful tournament for our players! One way to volunteer is to help donate much-needed items to stock our Snack Bar! Please sign up to donate here!
Donated items can be left with Danny at the front desk from Monday, November 20 through Wednesday, November 22, or brought to the gym on the morning of Friday, November 24.
Be on the lookout for an additional email that will be sent out shortly for you to sign up to volunteer during the tournament. Thank you for all your support with this fun event! Go, Ravens!!
WISH Calendar Update
Please note that the date for this year's Wish Upon A Star gala has changed to Friday, May 10, 2024!
11/22 First trimester ends | 12:10pm Dismissal | No aftercare
11/23 & 11/24 School closed for Thanksgiving
11/24 & 11/25 Thanksgiving Basketball Tournament
11/31 & 12/1 12:10pm Dismissal | Parent-Teacher Conferences
12/6 12/8 Christmas Boutique

St. Rose of Lima Academy

Principal: Tina Underwood, Ed.S.
52 Short Hills Avenue
Short Hills, New Jersey 07078
Phone: 973-379-3973
Fax: 973-379-3722



National Blue Ribbon School



St. Rose of Lima Parish

Pastor: Father Larry Evans

50 Short Hills Ave
Short Hills, NJ 07078

Phone: 973-379-3912 
Fax: 973-379-6157 

Website: http://www.stroseshorthills.org