52 Short Hills Avenue, Short Hills, NJ 07078 | (973) 379-3973 | 2024-2025 Registration Packet | 2025-2026 Registration Packet

Raven Rundown, 3/27/24

March 27, 2024
Happy Easter, SRLA!
Today, under the direction of Sister Sandy, the 8th Grade helped to prepare our beautiful church for the holiest of weeks in the liturgical calendar. As we prepare for the Resurrection of Christ, many things are renewed. Our 8th Grade helped collect all the holy water stationed at the front and sides of the church and placed it in the baptismal font, which was then emptied through the piping system into the sacred ground of the cemetery. They also buried the sacramental Oils of the Sick and Chrism oils that have have been used throughout the year into the ground of the cemetery. Finally, they ended with a prayer and the removal of most of the host from the tabernacle.
We wish the entire SRLA family and community a Happy Easter and restful break!
March Madness Winners
It was a fun and fast-paced night on Friday as Student Council hosted a 3vs3 basketball tournament. Seven teams competed for the overall win. The trio of Carson Gbologa, Christian McCloskey, and Alex Pando were the winners!
Congratulations to all the teams who participated. And a huge thank you to SRLA parent Mr. Sulaiman Abdullah for refereeing the games!
Summer uniforms begin when school re-opens after Easter break on Monday, April 8.
Brick by Brick
The SRLA Advisory Board is raising funds for new equipment for our school's playground, and you're invited to help! Leave your legacy at SRLA and help us meet our goal through the 2024 SRLA Brick Campaign!
Purchase a personalized brick along the school's walkway to commemorate your family's time at SRLA, or honor a loved one or friend of our school community with a special memory that will last a lifetime!
To participate:
1.Purchase your bricks via Blackbaud with a contribution of $250 per brick.
2.Customize your bricks.
  • Once purchased, a Google form will be sent to gather your customization information for each brick.
  • Each 4x8 brick may contain up to 3 lines of 15 characters per line. Characters include capital letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and spaces.
3.Walkway reveal! Bricks will be unveiled in May once the campaign has ended.
Thank you for supporting our children and our school!
The SRLA Advisory Board
Coffee & Conversation
Our next Coffee & Conversation with Mrs. Underwood will be held Friday, April 12 in the Media Center after drop-off at 8:15am.
Make Your WISH
Wish Upon A Star ticket sales will begin the week after we get back from break! And look for Grand Raffle tickets to come home in backpacks, too!
Interested in donating an item for the WISH Lucky Draw or Silent Auction? Check out our Amazon Wish List!
Please reach out to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you are interested in donating. Thank you for your support of WISH and SRLA!
3/28 – 4/5 School closed for Easter recess
4/8 School reopens | Summer uniforms
4/12 Dress-down Day for Charity | Coffee & Conversation | 12:10pm Dismissal
4/18 Meeting for 7th Grade Parents
4/18 & 4/19 Science Fair
4/24 School closed | Professional Development for Teachers

St. Rose of Lima Academy

Principal: Tina Underwood, Ed.S.
52 Short Hills Avenue
Short Hills, New Jersey 07078
Phone: 973-379-3973
Fax: 973-379-3722



National Blue Ribbon School



St. Rose of Lima Parish

Pastor: Father Larry Evans

50 Short Hills Ave
Short Hills, NJ 07078

Phone: 973-379-3912 
Fax: 973-379-6157 

Website: http://www.stroseshorthills.org