52 Short Hills Avenue, Short Hills, NJ 07078 | (973) 379-3973 | 2024-2025 Registration Packet | 2025-2026 Registration Packet

12:10 Dismissal tomorrow NO AFTERCARE

Dear Parents,
Tomorrow, Friday November 3rd, is a 12:10 dismissal with NO AFTERCARE for MANDATORY CPR/First Aid Training for the Faculty.
It is also a Dress Down Day for charity.
On these days the students may come to school out of uniform in regular clothing or Spirit Wear in return for a $1.00 donation.
All Preschool programs end at 11:25 on early dismissal/half days. 
Principal Tina This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Trunk or Treat info for Tuesday, 10/31

***Remember to wear your gym uniform and change after lunch!!**

Trunk or Treat info:

Students come to school in their GYM uniform, as to make it easier to change at lunch. Students can wear their sneakers as well.

Students will get changed after lunch. After the children have changed, we will pack them up.

Please be sure you pack a bag/container that your child will collect their treats in.

All parents are welcome to attend and enjoy the time with your child. Once they have finished, they may go home and enjoy the rest of Halloween! Please be sure to go back to the classroom and pick-up their backpack.

Trunk or Treat begins at 1:15 and will end at 2:30. We will dismiss at the regular time and there is aftercare. Please be sure to let us know if there are changes to your child's schedule.

Tuesday, OCTOBER 31, 2023

Annual Trunk or Treat

Trunk set-up:12:00 Noon

Trunk or Treat 1:15PM – 2 :30PM

What is a Trunk-or-Treat? It's when Academy families get together in

the church parking lot, park their cars, open up the trunks of their cars,

and children come around to each car to Trunk-or-Treat!!!

To really get into the spirit~ Academy parents can open their trunks to reveal

Halloween-themed decorations. Children can walk from trunk to trunk

to look at the decorations and receive candy and treats such as Halloween

Stickers, Pencils, Erasers, Apple Slices, Small Oranges, Popcorn and the like!!! Please see the non-food Halloween treats flyer for suggestions!

Here are some fun Halloween activities you can do for the Trunk-or-Treat:

1. Trunk Decorating Contest: an optional activity for those who would like to decorate the trunk of their vehicle for the Trunk-or-Treat!

           Student Council will award ribbons!

2. Any parent may participate: just let your class parent know in advance!

3. Prizes will also be awarded for the best parent and /or pet costumes!!! (Yes, pets are invited!)

Costume Restrictions: The following Costume restrictions apply!!!

No clowns, masks, blood, guts, gore, weapons, or inappropriate dress/costume.

***Remember to wear your gym uniform and change after lunch!!**

Thanksgiving Pie Sale- Hosted by your SRLA 8th Graders

It's that wonderful time of the year!


Place your order early for freshly baked pies from the famous Alstede Farms in Chester, NJ just in time for Thanksgiving!

We are pleased to announce that we will be offering these annual favorites:

Harvest Apple (10"), Pumpkin (10"), Coconut Custard (10")

Blueberry, Cherry, Pecan and Strawberry Rhubarb. (Pies not noted are 9").

Not only do these delicious pies make for an incredible Thanksgiving dessert, BUT they also freeze really well. So, be sure to get a few pies for your Christmas holiday table too! Deadline to order pies is Wednesday, November 15th.

To order, go to: Pie Sale All pies are $25.


Pie pick up will be Tuesday, November 21 and Wednesday, November 22 at SRLA.

Thank you for supporting our 8TH GRADE class! All 8th grade fundraisers support the special activities they get to experience in their final year at SRLA! 


Contact Tina Fay This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Jailan Griffiths This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any questions.

No School Tomorrow October 27th

Dear Parents,


Just a reminder that there is No School Tomorrow, October 27th for professional development.


Thank you,

Principal Tina Underwood   

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NO Aftercare Friday November 3rd


There will be NO Aftercare Friday, November 3rd, for MANDATORY CPR/First Aid Training for the Faculty.

Thank you,

Mrs. Underwood

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Raven Rundown, 10/26/2023

Halloween candy donation



Candy Collection

Collection Dates:

November 1 through November 14


Do you have any leftover or excess candy from Halloween?

St. Rose of Lima will be collecting the excess candy from Halloween and donating the candy to The Apostle’s House.

The Apostle’s House is a homeless shelter that provides services for at risk individuals or families in Newark and Essex County.

In addition, they run a food pantry for the community.




Thank you so much for your support!

Trunk or Treat Tuesday, 10/31

***Remember to wear your gym uniform and change after lunch!!**

Tuesday, OCTOBER 31, 2023

Annual Trunk or Treat

Trunk set-up:12:00 Noon

Trunk or Treat 1:15PM – 2 :30PM

What is a Trunk-or-Treat? It's when Academy families get together in

the church parking lot, park their cars, open up the trunks of their cars,

and children come around to each car to Trunk-or-Treat!!!

To really get into the spirit~ Academy parents can open their trunks to reveal

Halloween-themed decorations. Children can walk from trunk to trunk

to look at the decorations and receive candy and treats such as Halloween

Stickers, Pencils, Erasers, Apple Slices, Small Oranges, Popcorn and the like!!! Please see the non-food Halloween treats flyer for suggestions!

Here are some fun Halloween activities you can do for the Trunk-or-Treat:

1. Trunk Decorating Contest: an optional activity for those who would like to decorate the trunk of their vehicle for the Trunk-or-Treat!

           Student Council will award ribbons!

2. Any parent may participate: just let your class parent know in advance!

3. Prizes will also be awarded for the best parent and /or pet costumes!!! (Yes, pets are invited!)

Costume Restrictions: The following Costume restrictions apply!!!

No clowns, masks, blood, guts, gore, weapons, or inappropriate dress/costume.

***Remember to wear your gym uniform and change after lunch!!**

Thanksgiving Food Collection

St. Rose of Lima Academy

Thanksgiving Food Collection 2023

Please help feed a family in need this Thanksgiving holiday.

Each grade is asked to bring in a specific item for a family’s dinner plus $1.00 to help purchase turkeys to complete the dinner. Food can be brought to homeroom starting November 6th.  

All food must be in by Thursday November 16th.

The Thanksgiving Dinners collected from St. Rose of Lima Academy will be added to the St. Rose of Lima Parish Thanksgiving Food Collection and will be delivered to the families on Saturday November 18th.

Since many recipients will be walking or relying on public transportation, the donation of reusable shopping bags will be appreciated.


Pre School -     (1) 29 oz. can Fruit (your choice)

Kindergarten -   (1) Brownie Mix

1st - (2) Boxes of Corn Muffin Mix

2nd -                 (1) 26 oz. Box of Mashed Potatoes

3rd –                  (1) 12 oz. Box of Stove Top Stuffing

4th-                    (3) 10 oz. cans Turkey Gravy (no glass please)

5th -              (2) Boxes of Mac and Cheese

6th-                    (2) 14 oz. cans Cranberry Sauce

7th -               (3) 15 oz. cans of Vegetables (your choice)

8th Blue-                (1) 40 oz. can of Yams

8th Gold-               (2) Cans of Soup

                    ADDITIONAL TURKEYS ARE NEEDED!!!!

If you have a turkey that you would like to donate –

please bring it to the church parking lot

on Saturday, November 18st between 9:00-10:00am


Please contact Mike Roberts with any questions:

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Protecting God’s Children

Protecting God’s Children Program.

To: Parents who chaperone field trips, help out with school activities or are involved in coaching.

All staff and volunteers who have regular contact with minors must complete this important training.

To enroll please go to the Archdiocese of Newark webpage. http://rcan.org

Scroll down the webpage to the bottom on the left side you will see Safe Environment Tab. Click on that tab and then look for the Protecting God's Children Workshop Schedule on the right side of that webpage.

Click on it and all available training dates will appear. Scroll down to the session you wish to attend and follow the directions on the screen to sign up. You can sign up for sessions at other locations if they are more convenient for your schedule. Please advise me if you do attend at a different location so we can insure you are added to our roster.

All staff and volunteers must comply with Archdiocesan Safe Environment policies. This includes completion of the following:

  • Attend Protecting God's Children session (beginning in 2013 must be re-trained every 5 years)
  • Complete and return application including authorization for background screening (will be re-screened every 5 years)
  • Complete and return acknowledgement of Archdiocesan Policies with respect to Conduct with Minors form (must be Appendix B from version January 2012)
  • Successfully complete background check.

Protecting God's Children Training Sessions scheduled at St Rose

Creating a safe environment for all of our children and vulnerable adults is an important value for our parish and the Church. The Archdiocese has created Safe Environment policies for which all staff and volunteers (18 years and older) must comply. Anyone currently or considering involvement in parish ministries and school activities where children are present must be in compliance with these policies in order to participate.

Safe environment policies of the Archdiocese of Newark include

Completion of the following:

Attend Protecting God's Children session

Complete and return application including authorization for background screening

Complete and return acknowledgement of Archdiocesan Policies with respect to Conduct with Minors form

Successfully complete background check.

All necessary forms will be distributed at the Protecting God's Children session. For those who have attended prior Protecting God's Children sessions but have not completed all of the additional requirements please contact me so I can send you the required information.

Thank you,

Principal Underwood

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Christmas Giving 2023 Kickoff

SRLA Christmas Gift Giving Program!

Dear SRLA Families and Faculty,

A wonderful tradition at St. Rose of Lima Academy is our Christmas Gift Giving Program! Through this program we make sure that there is at least one present under the tree for the children of St. Rose of Lima Church in Newark and the seniors and families of St. Joseph’s Social Service Center in Elizabeth. Please consider helping these children, families and seniors during the Christmas holidays. There are three ways to participate in the program: 

(1) Buy gifts for children. 

~ If you would like to buy a gift, check off the appropriate box on the signup genius and indicate how many gifts you would like to buy. You will be provided with the name, age, and gender of a recipient in mid-November. Please wrap the gifts and bring them to school by Monday, December 4th. Gifts can be dropped off between November 27th through December 4th (Please budget $35-50 per gift. We ask families to buy a warm piece of clothing and a toy for each child). Drop off details will be provided.

(2) Send in a monetary donation.

~ If you are unable to shop this year, our "Holiday Shopper Committee" can shop for you. Your donations will be used to buy toys, coats, scarves and mittens to name a few of the requests we often receive from the children!  Click “HERE“ to make donations as soon as possible.  (https://bngn.blackbaud.school/?id=2yi2htctv22#/home/

(3) Volunteer to be a "shopper." 

~ If you would like to be a "volunteer shopper," please check off the appropriate box. This job entails shopping for 3-5 gifts with the donated money. You will be provided with a very specific wish list and you will be reimbursed. Last year we did not need shoppers, but we may this year!

Thank you in advance for your support for this worthy project!  We encourage all families to involve their children in the shopping and wrapping of these gifts. This program is a wonderful way to teach children the importance of helping others!

    Please sign up at the below Signup Genius link by Wednesday, November 8th 


Any questions, please contact Betsy Guarnieri (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), Andrea Mansfield (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)  and/or Rosemary Mattson (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Raven Rundown, 10/20/2023

Parking info for tomorrow / Walk-A-Thon

To All,

The Walk-A-Thon is tomorrow (10/19) from 10 a.m until noon.

Please only park in the second section of the parking lot farthest from the Rectory.

All students (K-8) should wear their gym uniforms and sneakers to school.

Parents are welcome to attend and join in the walk!

Thank you,

Principal Underwood

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The SRLA Walk-a-thon will take place in the church parking lot on Thursday, October 19 between 10am-12pm. All students participate in this annual event that generates school spirit while raising funds at the same time!


PreK- 4th Grade will walk from 10-10:45am

5th-8th Grade will walk from 11am-11:45am

Each student has a minimum fundraising goal of $100. Please register, get involved and encourage your child to reach out to friends and family on behalf of their school. Prizes will be awarded for the top earning class and individuals. 

We will once again be using Pledgestar as our online fundraising platform, which makes it much easier for you to request pledges from your family and friends, to make secure credit card donations online. 

Please register now to help SRLA raise as much as we can to help cover costs of School Assemblies, Facilities Improvements, Community Outreach, Class Parties, Faculty Recognition, etc.

Easy to Follow Instructions or Scan the QR Code:

Go to http://pledgestar.com/roseoflima

Click “Not Registered For This Year’s Event”

Enter your name and email address, then click “Submit”

Follow the instructions on-screen to register Walker(s) and add family and friends

When you finish, the system emails pledge requests to your family and friends, and allows them to make secure credit card donations online. You get notified each time a pledge is made, and you can track your pledge progress online.

Thank you in advance for your support.

If you have any questions, please contact the HSA at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Raven Rundown, 10/13/2023

12:10 Dismissal Tomorrow / Dress Down Day for charity

Dear Parents,

Just a reminder that tomorrow, Friday, October 13th, is a 12:10 dismissal day. It is also a Dress Down Day for charity.

On these days the students may come to school out of uniform in regular clothing or Spirit Wear in return for a $1.00 donation.

 Note: Aftercare ends at 4:30 tomorrow.

All Preschool programs end at 11:25 on early dismissal/half days. 

School Eatery will be offering lunch Friday if you would like to have a lunch sent home with your student.


Your school code for the new software is RLA (all caps).

There will be aftercare, but please note anyone staying for aftercare must bring their own lunch and a drink or order from School Eatery.

Thank you,

Principal Tina Underwood

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Basketball Registration

'23-'24 St. Rose Basketball Registration is open


We are very excited to announce to you that the registration is open for the St. Rose 2023-2024 Basketball Season


Team Overview


St. Rose will be offering four (6) Divisions from Grades 3-8 for both Boys & Girls


-    3rd/4th Boys

-    3rd/4th Girls

-    5th/6th Boys

-    5th/6th Girls

-    7th/8th Boys

-    7th/8th Girls


Registration - Must be completed no later than 10/13/23


-    Registration fees: $165 per child (Families will be billed once the registration process is complete. Payment is due by October 30, 2023 )

-    Please click here - St. Rose Basketball Registration link to complete the online registration


-    Please be sure to complete the attached forms. Once completed you can submit them to Danny in an envelope marked Basketball ‘23-’24 or email scanned copies of the documents to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


-    CYO Required Forms


-    St. Rose Health & Physical Forms


-   Uniform cost (not included in registration) : $150 (Families will be billed once the registration process is complete. Payment is due by October 30, 2023)

-    Includes: Jersey, Shorts, Shooting Shirt

-    We will send a uniform order email form out to everyone once registrations have been submitted

-    If your child has played and still has their uniform, please check to see if their uniform still fits so they can use it for this season


Season Dates

-    11/13       Practice Begins

-    11/24/ - 11/25   St. Rose Thanksgiving Tournament

-    12/01     Regular Season Starts

-    02/24      Regular Season Ends

-    03/02     Playoffs Begin

-    03/10      Playoffs End

-    03/14 - 03/18 Tournament of Champions


Coaches - Volunteers

If you are interested in Coaching or volunteering during the ‘23-24 Basketball Season,you must complete the Protecting God’s Children Class and complete the Newark CYO Volunteer application.

You must fill out the Volunteer Handbook.

All coaches and volunteers are required to complete the Protecting God’s Children Training which is good for 5 years. 


If you are interested in Coaching or volunteering during the season, please click here to complete the Coaching-Volunteer Survey.


There will be a meeting for all those interested in Coaching or volunteering to assist with basketball season on Wednesday 10/18 @ 7:30 PM. A reminder will be sent out closer to the meeting date but here is the link also--Coaches/Volunteer Meeting Link



Harcourt Lucius

SRLA Athletics Director

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Raven Rundown, 10/6/2023

No School Monday October 9th

Dear Parents,

Just a reminder that there is No School Monday, October 9th for Columbus Day / Indigenous Peoples' Day.

Thank you,

Principal Tina Underwood   

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Social Outreach Halloween Costume Drive




For thousands of children across New Jersey, the Halloween traditions of costumes, candy and trick-or-treating are anything but magical. For these children, Halloween costumes often don’t make the list of essentials in the family budget. Halloween carnivals, trick-or-treating and the possibility of being your favorite super hero – even for a night – all disappear when you don’t have a costume. Help Jersey Cares bring imaginations and magic to life for children living in New Jersey by collecting new & gently used Halloween costumes.

Collection Dates:

From now until Wednesday, October 18, 2023


St. Rose of Lima Academy has signed up to be a

Jersey Cares Halloween Costume Collection Site.

We will be collecting NEW or GENTLY USED costumes

for youths between the ages of 0-14.

(Please refrain from donating stained or torn costume items).


Items ACCEPTED for the Halloween Costume Drive Include:

·       New or gently used costumes (ages 0-14)

·       Halloween masks

·       Costume accessories (wands, wings, capes, etc.)

·       Unused Halloween face make-up

·       Candy pails or treat bags



Thank you so much for your support! 

Farmers Market Schedule

Fall is upon us with it's chilly mornings and warm afternoons. Which means that the Annual SRLA Farmer's Market, hosted by the H.S.A., is right around the corner!  

Please join us on Friday, October 13 in the gym, for apple cider donuts, apples and seasonal vegetables.  

Teachers, Clergy Members and Students are invited to walk the market and select a few items to bring home to their families.  

The Farmer’s Market opens at 8:45 am and classes will be brought down according to the following schedule:

8:45 am - 8:55 am Pre-K3

9:00 am - 9:10 am Pre-K4

9:15 am - 9:25 am Kindergarten

9:30 am - 9:40 am 1st Grade

9:45 am - 9:55 am 2nd Grade

10:00 am - 10:10 am 3rd Grade

10:15 am - 10:25 am 4th Grade

10:30 am - 10:40 am 5th Grade

10:45 am - 10:55 am 6th

11:00 am - 11:10 am 7th Grade

11:15 am - 11:25 am 8th Grade Blue

11:30 am - 11:40 am 8th Grade Gold

We look forward to seeing you there!

Thank you,

The H.S.A.

St. Rose of Lima Academy

Principal: Tina Underwood, Ed.S.
52 Short Hills Avenue
Short Hills, New Jersey 07078
Phone: 973-379-3973
Fax: 973-379-3722



National Blue Ribbon School



St. Rose of Lima Parish

Pastor: Father Larry Evans

50 Short Hills Ave
Short Hills, NJ 07078

Phone: 973-379-3912 
Fax: 973-379-6157 

Website: http://www.stroseshorthills.org