Grand Raffle Tickets - Deadline Extended to Friday!
Dear Parents,
There is still time to turn in your Grand Raffle tickets!
We have extended the deadline to this Friday, 5/20.
You can pay for tickets by credit card through our Blackbaud link (purchase tickets) or write a check to “SRLA HSA”.
Please remember to complete a ticket stub for each ticket purchased and return all ticket stubs to the Main Office, Attention: Grand Raffle.
We are striving for 100% participation from our school families and encourage you to sell both ticket booklets.
The winning ticket will be drawn at Wish Upon a Star this Saturday, May 21st. If the winner is not present, they will be contacted to pick up their prize at a later date. Questions? Please feel free to contact us at the below email addresses.
Thank you to all who have sold and purchased your Grand Raffle tickets!
Good luck in the Grand Raffle!
Most sincerely,
SRLA Grand Raffle Chairs
Elena Dion (
Betsy Guarnieri (