The theme for this year’s Catholic Schools Week is Catholic Schools: Faith. Excellence. Service.
For those of you new to our school, Catholic Schools Week celebrates the contribution that Catholic education provides to children and youth, to our Church, to our communities, and to our nation.
Catholic Schools Week (CSW) celebrates the gifts and talents of school administrators, principals, teachers, parish staff members, students, parents, volunteers, and all who share in the ministry of Catholic education. Catholic Schools Week is a time to thank everyone for all that they do and to pray that God will richly bless us as we continue to teach and inspire future leaders and servants of God’s kingdom.
These are just a few of the things planned for 1/31-2/4/22:
We will not participate in a community opening of Catholic Schools Week mass this year. By the grace of God, we will be back next year!
Monday: Celebrate our Community:
A central aspect of Catholic education is learning the importance of service to others. When students take part in service activities they demonstrate the values and faith gained through Catholic education.
Our students are asked to bring a new, clean, never worn pair of socks to be donated to those less fortunate.
Dress: Students are invited to wear their Favorite pajamas!!!
St. Jude Math-A-Thon for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Begins!!!!
Celebrating our own SRLA Students!
We are all created in God’s image and God calls each of us. We are asked to live as Jesus does.
To recognize our students’ and their amazing accomplishments…we honor you by exchanging one ice cream treat for one new, clean, never-worn, tee-shirt!
Dress: Any “groovy or tie-dyed” attire you can pull together!
Wednesday: Celebrating our Nation
On National Appreciation for Catholic School students, families, educators and all Catholic school supporters we thank you one and all.
Please bring one toy or treat for a pet!
Dress: Students are asked wear red, white and blue (yes, jeans are blue).
Eighth grade to be dressed in their full, winter uniform for their pinning ceremony.
Thursday: Celebrating Vocations
By focusing on faith, knowledge and service, Catholic schools prepare children to use their God-given talents to the fullest later in life.
Please bring a $1.00 donation for the Monastery for the Dominican Sisters in Summit.
Dress: Wear your favorite sports team’s gear! If you do not wear a sports team item, you may wear your favorite piece of SRLA Spirit gear.
Friday: Culminating school-wide virtual program.
The classes will present a very special song/story about a saint their class has selected from around the world.
Dress: Wear-red-day for the National American Heart Association.