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Budget Action Alert Increase in Transportation Aid

The Governor is set to introduce his proposed State Budget on March 8th.

See the info below about the Increase in Transportation Aid to $1,150 in order to have transportation routes run for our students.

Please let the Governor know that these items are of concern in his upcoming State Budget. It is important that our voices be heard with the Governor’s Office.

You can also contact Governor Murphy through the NJCC Voter Voice System


2/18 Raven Rundown

12:10 Dismissal Tomorrow 2/18 NO AFTERCARE

Dear Parents,

Tomorrow, Friday February 18th, is a 12:10 dismissal with NO AFTERCARE.

It is also a free dress down day!

All Preschool programs end at 11:25 on early dismissal/half days. 

School is closed on Monday, February 21st, in observance of Presidents' Day.

Principal Tina Underwood

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Lifting of Mask Mandate

Dear SRLA families,

Below please find the official mask mandate information I know everyone has been waiting for!!! Letter is attached here as well.


I am attending a conference at the Archdiocese at the moment but wanted to get this out to everyone immediately. 


Yes, we are still waiting on guidance on several additional issues but promise to share them with you!!


Be well,

Principal Tina Underwood

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2/11 Raven Rundown

Assembly in Honor of Black History Month Tuesday, 2/22/22

St. Rose of Lima Academy Presents,

A Dance and Percussion Presentation by Yahaya Kamate and Troup on Tuesday, February 22nd.

Grades Pre-K-4th Assembly: 9:15 am-10:00 am

Grades 5-8th Assembly: 10:15 am-11:30 am.

Artist Bio: Yahaya Kamate (BAE Teaching Artist / Dancer)

Yahaya Kamate is a native of the Ivory Coast. As a former member of the National Ballet of the Ivory Coast, he first came to the United States to honor his country by touring with the ballet in 1994.

In 1997, he established himself in the Sunshine State. Kamate performed at Busch Gardens, the Animal Kingdom, and Epcot Center for two years before coming back to New York and the tri-state area where he teaches in both public and private schools.

He practices African Dance, Drumming, Modern Dance, and Ballet. Currently, he is an instructor at Alvin Ailey, a performer and dance teacher at Friends Academy, and a Teaching Artist with Bronx Arts Ensemble.

2/4 Raven Rundown

Photo Retakes & 8th Grade Cap & Gown Thursday February 10th



February 10th, is photo retake day and 8th grade cap and gown photo.


8th Grade Parents:

Boys:   Regular fall/winter uniform with oxford shirt and school tie


Girls:    Regular fall/winter uniform with oxford shirt no turtle necks


Thank you,


Principal Tina Underwood

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Possible Inclement Weather Tomorrow

Dear Parents,

We are monitoring the weather reports for potential icy conditions during the day tomorrow.  At this time we are do not anticipate any changes to the school schedules, but due to the unpredictability of the timing of this storm, please make preparations for the possibility of a school closure.


We will alert you early in the morning if there will be any change to tomorrow’s schedule. 

If need be we will reschedule our Multicultural Presentations.


For the morning commute, please take your time, drive slowly and get here safely.


Principal Tina Underwood

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12:10 Dismissal Friday February 4th

Dear Parents,

Just a reminder that tomorrow, Friday, February 4th , is a 12:10 dismissal day.

It is also a Dress Up Day for charity.

Wear red to support and celebrate this year’s National Wear Red Day for the American Heart Association.

See schedule below.

All Preschool programs end at 11:25 on early dismissal/half days. 

Thank you,

Principal Tina Underwood

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Please Support Our 8th Grade Pinning Ceremony

Help Celebrate Our Eighth Graders


SRLA has a wonderful tradition of celebrating our graduating students throughout their final year at the Academy!

The Pinning Ceremony marks the half-way point. The pin is given to our students as a remembrance of their time at SRLA. The pins will be blessed during a special ceremony at 10:30 am on Wednesday, February 2 in Church, followed by a brunch for the 8th grade students only. 

We ask that you support our 8th grade by contributing to their celebratory brunch! Items can be dropped off with Danny on the morning of February 2nd. Please note all items must be nut free.

We are also looking for a few volunteers to set up the brunch and assist in serving the students. Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you'd like to volunteer. Protecting God's Children and vaccination/testing compliance is necessary.

As always, thank you for your continued support of our students!

SMART is Now Blackbaud


Starting February 1st families will start to see Blackbaud Tuition Management instead of SMART Tuition throughout their site and communications. These changes will be occurring throughout the month of February and will include both the payer portal and invoices.

Parents: please update your web bookmark to the following: https://parent.blackbaud.school/

Click here for additional information about the change from SMART to Blackbaud.

If you have any troubles logging into your parent portal, you can use the “Trouble logging in?” link on the page or use the Parent Hotline (7x24) at 1-888-868-8828. You will need your Family ID available for the quickest service.

Of course, I will always be of help with any questions about your accounts as well!


Derek Czernikowski


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February Modified Day Schedule

1/28 Raven Rundown

Basketball Practice Is Canceled Tonight

Dear Parents, 

Practice tonight is also canceled with the Governor just announcing a State of Emergency beginning at 5 PM.

Harcourt Lucius Athletic Director

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Principal Tina Underwood 

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All Saturday CYO Games Will Be Postponed Due To The Snowstorm

Dear Parents, 

All CYO games on Saturday January 29th, will be postponed due to the snowstorm.

Harcourt Lucius Athletic Director

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Principal Tina Underwood 

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Aftercare To End At 5pm Due To Inclement Weather

Dear Parents, 

Aftercare to end at 5pm due to inclement weather.

Principal Tina Underwood 

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Catholic Schools Week

Catholic Schools Week

Kicks off on Jan. 31st

The theme for this year’s Catholic Schools Week is Catholic Schools: Faith. Excellence. Service.

For those of you new to our school, Catholic Schools Week celebrates the contribution that Catholic education provides to children and youth, to our Church, to our communities, and to our nation.

Catholic Schools Week (CSW) celebrates the gifts and talents of school administrators, principals, teachers, parish staff members, students, parents, volunteers, and all who share in the ministry of Catholic education. Catholic Schools Week is a time to thank everyone for all that they do and to pray that God will richly bless us as we continue to teach and inspire future leaders and servants of God’s kingdom. 

These are just a few of the things planned for 1/31-2/4/22:

We will not participate in a community opening of Catholic Schools Week mass this year. By the grace of God, we will be back next year!

Monday: Celebrate our Community:

A central aspect of Catholic education is learning the importance of service to others. When students take part in service activities they demonstrate the values and faith gained through Catholic education.

Our students are asked to bring a new, clean, never worn pair of socks to be donated to those less fortunate.

Dress: Students are invited to wear their Favorite pajamas!!!

St. Jude Math-A-Thon for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Begins!!!!


Celebrating our own SRLA Students! 

We are all created in God’s image and God calls each of us. We are asked to live as Jesus does.

To recognize our students’ and their amazing accomplishments…we honor you by exchanging one ice cream treat for one new, clean, never-worn, tee-shirt!


Dress: Any “groovy or tie-dyed” attire you can pull together!

Wednesday: Celebrating our Nation

On National Appreciation for Catholic School students, families, educators and all Catholic school supporters we thank you one and all.

Please bring one toy or treat for a pet!

Dress: Students are asked wear red, white and blue (yes, jeans are blue).

Eighth grade to be dressed in their full, winter uniform for their pinning ceremony.

Thursday: Celebrating Vocations

By focusing on faith, knowledge and service, Catholic schools prepare children to use their God-given talents to the fullest later in life.

Please bring a $1.00 donation for the Monastery for the Dominican Sisters in Summit.

Dress: Wear your favorite sports team’s gear! If you do not wear a sports team item, you may wear your favorite piece of SRLA Spirit gear.

Friday: Culminating school-wide virtual program.

The classes will present a very special song/story about a saint their class has selected from around the world.

Dress: Wear-red-day for the National American Heart Association.

Book Fair Updates

Thank you all for shopping the Book Fair this year!!!

As a reminder, we are open today to fulfill wish lists.

Our teachers have made their own wish lists also (pictured below). Please come shop from 3-4 after dismissal if you’d like.

You can also contact one of us (by email) to buy a book from your teachers lists using eWallet.

Thanks again for helping support this amazing fundraiser year after year!

Your Book Fair Co-Chairs

Lauren Chapman & Alejandria Rodriguez 

Alejandria Rodriguez 

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Lauren Chapman 

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St Jude Mathathon

See below for info on this year's St Jude Mathathon!

Here is the direct link to our fundraising page:


St. Rose of Lima Academy

Principal: Tina Underwood, Ed.S.
52 Short Hills Avenue
Short Hills, New Jersey 07078
Phone: 973-379-3973
Fax: 973-379-3722



National Blue Ribbon School



St. Rose of Lima Parish

Pastor: Father Larry Evans

50 Short Hills Ave
Short Hills, NJ 07078

Phone: 973-379-3912 
Fax: 973-379-6157 

Website: http://www.stroseshorthills.org