52 Short Hills Avenue, Short Hills, NJ 07078 | (973) 379-3973 | 2024-2025 Registration Packet | 2025-2026 Registration Packet

Spring Track Registration

St. Rose of Lima Track & Field Team invites you to join the Track & Field Team this Spring. 

Practices will begin Tuesday March 19, 2024 for Grades 3-8

(K-2 can start attending practice on Thursday March 28, 2024)

We will host a Zoom informational meeting for Parents on Wednesday March 13 @ 7:30 PM.  A Link will be sent to all registered families.

The workouts consist of: group runs, stretching, strength exercises, wind sprints, and field event practice.


Tuesday     5:25 PM -6:45 PM Meisel Avenue Park, Springfield NJ (3rd to 8th grade ONLY)

Thursday    5:25 PM -6:45 PM Meisel Avenue Park, Springfield NJ (K-8th grade - starting 4/11)

PLEASE NOTE: Parents or caregivers of children in K-2nd grade who are participating must remain at practice and keep an eye on their children at all times.

What the kids need: ‘Real’ running shoes! To arrive on time at practice with a light jacket or sweatshirt, over a t-shirt. Water bottles are a must!

We will send out information around the types of shoes to purchase (runners can wear spikes on certain tracks so we will send out information to make sure you get the proper running shoes)

Program fee: $70 per student to cover meet fees - You will be billed via SMART TUITION once your registration form has been submitted.

Track Shirts cost $25 please indicate if you need to order one and select the size in the registration form.

Meet dates: 

- 4/20 - Holy Trinity Invitational

- 4/21 - AOL Glen Rock

- 4/27 - Kids 4 Kids relays

- 5/5 or 5/11 TBD waiting for confirmation of the additional meet

- 5/18 - CYO Archdiocesan Championships

Meet Events include the following

o 200m, 1600m, Shot Put

o 100m, 800m, Long Jump

o 400m, SMR Relay, Javelin

o Relays (4x100,4x200)

K-2 Events (Depending on the meet)

- Fun Run

- Softball Throw

- Mini javelin

Athletes will be restricted to 3 total events in each meet

We will be using the TEAMSNAP app to inform team members of changed or canceled practices and/or meets. We will only be posting upcoming meets and results on the website.

Please click on this link to complete the registration process. - Spring Track & Field Registration here. https://go.teamsnap.com/forms/421505

Once you have registered you will receive an email with the forms that need to be filled out. If your child has not participated in Sports this year we will send you the School Health and Sports participation forms to submit once you've registered. These forms will need to be returned ASAP.

You can scan and email them to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or leave them at the front desk in an envelope marked "Athletics"

If you have any questions please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Go Ravens!

Harcourt Lucius

Athletic Director

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Dress Code/ Water Bottle Policy

Dear SRLA Families,

I hope this message finds you well. As we approach the third trimester on Monday, I wanted to take a moment to remind you of our school’s dress code policy and guidelines regarding the size of water bottles students are permitted to bring to school.

Dress Code Policy:

Our school’s dress code policy is designed to maintain a positive and focused learning environment while also ensuring the safety and comfort of all students. As a reminder, the dress code includes guidelines such as:

1.     Appropriate length of skirts, skorts and jumpers.

2.     Socks: Navy, blue, black, or white socks, ankle style only for both boys and girls. No-show socks are not permitted. Girls may wear tights.

3.     Shoes must be navy blue, black dark brown, oxfords, tie shoes or loafers.

4.     Slippers and crocks are not permitted. Ugg boots may be worn on dress down days only.

5.     Boys must have their dress shirts always tucked in.

6.     Girls are permitted to wear one pair of small (non-dangling) earrings.

7.     Colorless nail polish only is permitted. Artificial nails are not permitted. No makeup may be worn.

We kindly ask for your support in ensuring that your child adheres to these guidelines when selecting their uniform for school. Your cooperation greatly contributes to fostering a respectful and inclusive atmosphere for SRLA.

*** Reminder: Spring uniforms begin on Monday, April 8, 2024.

Water Bottle Size Policy

In addition to the dress code policy, SRLA would like to remind you of our school’s policy regarding the size of water bottles students are allowed to bring to school. To ensure the safety the safety of all students and minimize disruptions in the classroom, we ask that students limit the size of their water bottles to less than 26 oz. This helps prevent accidental spills and ensures that students have access to hydration throughout the day. Remember, students can always refill their water bottles at our filtered water fountains.

Your assistance in reminding your child about these policies is greatly appreciated. By working together, we can maintain a positive and conductive learning environment for all students.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding either policy, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for your attention to these important matters.

Warm regards,

Principal Underwood

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Parent Teacher Conference info

Dear SRLA Families,


Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on Thursday, 3/7 from 1:00 -3:00 pm and 5:00-7:00 pm. and on Friday, 3/8 from 1:00-3:00 pm.

Aftercare will end at 5 pm on both days.


Prek - grade 4 are by appointment only with your homeroom teacher.

Grades 5-8 Parent / Teachers conferences will be hosted in the Gym.

Grades 5-8 Parents please click the link below to set up a conference.

 Sign Up Here

Looking forward to seeing everyone! 



Principal Underwood

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Basketball Playoff Weekend Snack Bar Donations

Dear SRLA Families,

Our SRLA Basketball teams have advanced to the PLAYOFFS! 

SRLA will be hosting playoff games this coming weekend, March 1,2 and 3, and we need your help to restock our snack bar.

This is a fun and exciting time for all of the teams, and we hope the SRLA community will pitch in to help host a successful weekend for our players! One way to volunteer is to help donate much-needed items to stock our Snack Bar! Please click the link below to donate!


If you are available to volunteer Please click the link below to donate your time!


Donated items can be left with Danny at the front desk this week until Friday, March 1.

8th Graders who volunteer their time will receive volunteer hours!

Thank you for all your support with this fun event! Go, Ravens!!


Wish Upon A Star 2024... SAVE THE DATE!

Dearest School Families!

After this weekend's huge success with Designer Bag Bingo (THANK YOU!!),get excited for SRLA's premier fundraiser, WISH Upon A Star, Friday, May 10th!

Get ready to SHINE at this annual celebration, which includes a light dinner, a DJ, Silent Auction, 50/50, Lucky Draw, Grand Raffle and more! Look for NEW ways to win this year too!!

Stay tuned for more details on how you can get involved and help make SRLA SHINE even brighter!

With many thanks,


Raven Rundown, 2/23/24

Designer Bag Bingo- Last Call!!

Hi All!

Designer Bag Bingo is TOMORROW- Saturday 2/24!!

We have some AMAZING name-brand items to give away-Kate Spade, Tory Burch, Coach & more! If you did not get your ticket yet, there is still time! Tickets are $40 each and include 12 rounds of BINGO! This is an adult-only event. Invite your friends and family!!

Get your ticket today!

For guests that have already purchased tickets, please remember:

- Doors open at 6 PM.

Bingo starts at 7 PM.

- When you arrive, you will receive a bag with your bingo boards and dauber, as well as any other tickets or sheets that you have already purchased. You can always buy more on the night of the event!

- If you bought more than one ticket, please make sure you get all the bags with your name on them.

- Cash and Credit Cards are accepted the night of the event to purchase tickets for Lucky Draw, Golden Raffle, and additional bingo boards.

- NEW THIS YEAR- You will have FOUR chances to win a beautiful bag for Golden Raffle this year!!

- Don’t forget to bring CASH for the 50/50!

- There will be a wine bar (THANK YOU ANN LASKOWSKI!!), but please feel free to BYOB! 

- If you signed up to bring a dessert, please add it to our “Dessert Bar” table when you arrive.

- Feel free to bring snacks, drinks, and other goodies for your table to share!

- And please consider signing up to pitch in—whether you're a master dessert baker (or buyer!) or skilled at raffle ticket sales, we could use your help!

- Look for your captain’s name on the “Reserved Table” board when you come in on Saturday!

Thank you again!!

Lucy Chambers, Rose Marie Kelly, Carla Penson

Way Walkers Simple Soup Supper tomorrow, Friday, 2/23rd @ 6:30 PM

Dear Parents,

   Way Walkers Simple Soup Supper tomorrow, Friday, 2/23rd @ 6:30 PM  


REMINDER: Way Walkers Simple Soup Supper Event tomorrow, Friday, February 23rd at 6:30 PM in Ryan Hall followed by Stations of the Cross in Church at 7:30 PM. 

This will be hosted by St Rose of Lima Academy and a special reflection will be given to us by our Pastor, Fr. Larry Evans.


Thank you,

Tina Underwood   

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Wednesday February 28th Photo retakes/Group Pictures


Wednesday, February 28th, is photo retake/ group photo day.

The following groups will also have their photo taken:

·     All Team Sports

·     All Student Council

·     All National Junior Honor Society

·     All Clubs and Choir

Please make sure your child is in full Winter uniform for all photos.

Thank you,

Principal Tina Underwood

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Candy Grams for $1 tomorrow

Raven Rundown, 2/16/24

Saint Rose will be closed Monday

Dear Parents, 

Saint Rose of Lima Academy will be closed Monday, February 19th, in observation of Presidents' Day.

Enjoy the long weekend!


Principal Tina Underwood 

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School closed Tuesday February 13th

Dear Parents,

Due to the impending snowstorm, Saint Rose of Lima will be CLOSED Tuesday, February 13th.

With the snow anticipated to begin at sunrise and intensify during the morning and into the afternoon, the district has decided to close for the safety of our staff and students.

Middle School will celebrate Mardi Gras on Wednesday.

Stay warm,

Principal Tina Underwood

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St. Patrick's /St. Joseph's Day Party Saturday March 16th Ryan Hall


Click here to print flyer


Summer Camp

Come enjoy our Summer Camp Program!

Registration Form

Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with Summer Camp Questions:

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Welcome to SRLA's Summer Camp, Summer Fun! We have been planning many new and exciting activities, and we cannot wait to begin!

·      Camp is held Monday-Friday 8:00 am-2:00 pm.

·      $250 per week for the first child and $225 per week for each additional child

·      $100 per week for a Counselor in Training. (10+ or going into fifth grade)

·      Each week camp will be paid VIA check made out to SRLA. Memo: Summer Camp

·      Campers must be entering Pre-K 3 (and potty-trained!) through fourth grade.

·      Campers must come dressed in their bathing suits (underneath clothing), wear sunscreen, and water shoes or flip flops.

·      Campers must bring: a beach towel, additional sunscreen,a change of clothes, a Nut Free snack and lunch, and a reusable water bottle each day.

Week 1: June 17- June 21st:

Week 2: June 24th- June 28th:

*** Week 3: July 1st- July 3rd:(Prorated for three day week $100)

** Week 4: July 8th- July 12th:

Week 5: July 15th-19th:

Week 6: July 22nd-July 26th:


Raven Rundown, 2/9/24

Krispy Kreme fundraiser

Dear Parents,

Please help support our 8th grade graduates by virtually purchasing Krispy Kreme "Digital Dozen" Doughnuts via Blackbaud.

Digital Dozen Certificates are valid for 1 Original Glazed Dozen and will be sent directly to you via email.

These can be redeemed at your convenience at any Krispy Kreme location (except in CT and PR locations). Digital Dozens are virtual certificates that never expire.

Please share this flyer on your social media pages so your friends and family around the country can order!

Please note: the digital dozens are NOT redeemable for online purchases or for pickup or delivery of bulk product orders.

Questions- please contact Amy Cramer This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Margie Naughton This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Thank you for your support!

Important! New Lunch service starts Monday February 12th

Important! Monday February 12 is the first lunch day with our new lunch provider FoodDays. FoodDays.com

You must sign up or send a lunch in with your student.

The FoodDays website is now open for ordering.

To place your order simply go to https://stroseoflima.myfooddays.com

Create an account by clicking the Sign Up button in the top left and following the instructions to make your account and to add your child/ren to your account.

Once you have created your account you will see the ordering button.

Orders and changes can be made until 8am the day of delivery. 

If you have any questions, kindly contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Principal Underwood

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Raven Rundown, 2/2/24

FoodDays New Lunch Program starts Monday February 12th

Dear SRLA Families,


We are happy to announce that we have teamed up with FoodDays.com to be our new lunch provider. 

The first lunch day with FoodDays will be on Monday February 12 and the website is now open for ordering.

The new lunch program will feature lower prices and new choices as part of the menu. Please be sure to look for Taco Tuesdays as one of the new choices.

To place your order simply go to https://stroseoflima.myfooddays.com

Create an account by clicking the Sign Up button in the top left and following the instructions to make your account and to add your child/ren to your account.

Once you have created your account you will see the ordering button.

Orders and changes can be made until 8am the day of delivery. 

We hope you enjoy the new options and the ease of the new service.

If you have any questions, kindly contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Principal Underwood

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St. Rose of Lima Academy

Principal: Tina Underwood, Ed.S.
52 Short Hills Avenue
Short Hills, New Jersey 07078
Phone: 973-379-3973
Fax: 973-379-3722



National Blue Ribbon School



St. Rose of Lima Parish

Pastor: Father Larry Evans

50 Short Hills Ave
Short Hills, NJ 07078

Phone: 973-379-3912 
Fax: 973-379-6157 

Website: http://www.stroseshorthills.org